Use Principles of New Urbanism Approach in Designing Sustainable Urban Spaces
Dr. Mohammad Rahim Rahnama, ParisaRoshani, AlirezaHassani, Seyed Ali Hossienpour
Fast and rough and tumble process of urban modernization (innovation) and its effects make it necessary to think and reconsider about forming urban sustainable environment. In this way, new approaches in urban designing occupation have been formed with distress of enhancing urban environment quality. It can be mentioned to new urbanism approach. Mentioned approach has been formed to criticized modern urbanism which have machinery, inhuman and scattered pattern and with emphasis on especial position of human in present era urban spaces. Nowadays, this approach is responsible for guiding and leadership of generation of post modern designers and programmers. Primary principles of mentioned approach are based on using past humanistic traditional principles of urbanism in post modernism era. The goal of this paper is introduction of new urbanism approach in the course of creating appropriate urban environment in humanistic scale which is responsible for response to evolutions and urban and developmental modern improvements in framework of urban sustainable developmental goals. Ultimately, present paper try to study the reality and condition of forming new urbanism approach with emphasis on using precious urban indexes before industry era in after industry era in the course of making sustainable urban spaces.
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