Development Model for Technological Products
Freddy Alexander Díaz González, Jonattan Andrés Andrade Mayorga, María Ximena Cáceres Prado, Andrea Carolina Corredor Bedoya
This paper describes the model for Technological Product Development (TPD) that collects best practices of the
methodologies used worldwide, such as Rational Unified Process for Systems Engineering (RUP SE) and
Méthodologie de Conception des Systèmes Electroniques (MCSE), also, the Know-How of development
companies of technology products in the electro electronic sector of Bogotá region. The TPD model focuses on
the development of engineering systems, considering the use of documentary tools like Real Time Unified
Modeling Language (UML RT) and System Modeling Language (SysML), to facilitate understanding of the
content and improve communication within the workgroup. Additionally, the model features a pyramid-shaped
architecture that guides the development and documentation of the process, and incorporates the PDCA cycle to
ensure quality processes and continuous improvement.
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