International Journal of Applied Science and Technology

ISSN 2221-0997 (Print), 2221-1004 (Online) 10.30845/ijast

Diagnostic bovine Enzootic Hematuria Safety and Milk in Bolívar Province Ecuador
Ángela Calderón Tobar, Luz María Sánchez, Betty Mancebo, Evangelina Marrero Faz, Carlos Bulnes Goicochea, Ximena Chiriboga, José Silva

Many chemical compounds present in toxic plants can seriously affect animal health and human health through the food chain.In Bolivar County, there were indications of scientifically supported referrals for clinical diagnosis animal veterinarian with"blood in urine" and grazing area sinvaded byferns, which raised the suspicion of Bovine Enzootic Hematuria(BEH), therefore was required to diagnose the entity and study the magnitude of the problem, both for the health of the cattle herdand in scopeto thefood chainto man, constituting the research problem.The study developed provides scientific results in a comprehensive way in Ecuador, on risk factors, clinical and pathological diagnosis of BEHand quantification of ptaquilósidoin the plant and milk Bolivar Province, showing that chronic poisoningis caused by the repeated administration of Pteridiumarachnoideum(Kaulf.) Maxoninvading grass lands between 60 and 100%, Showing that the hematuria and death sare associated with this plant, with anodds ratio of 19.55and6.77and prevalence of8.7%.Clinical outcomes,denoted the presence of hematuria with a prevalence of71.8% and chronicanemia in correspondence to the severity of the degree of hematuria. 53.5%of tumorlesions inurinary bladder and esophagus associated with BEHin Babahoyo slaughter house was determined.Ptaquilósidoconcentrationsin thefronds ofPteridiumarachnoideum(Kaulf.)Maxonfound, from107.7µg /g to8677.68µg /g;infresh milk ptaquilósidoresidual levels was detected in89.29 % of the samples with concentrations up to2641.13µg /mL. The present study representsa scientific contribution and envisions the potential damage to the public health of this region.

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