Phenomena Stratification of Sea Water Volume and the River Flowing Mass of Beach Estuary
Maxi Tendean
Ups and downs are sea level fluctuations due to the attraction of celestial bodies, especially the sun and moon to
the mass of water on earth. The flow of sea water to the estuary is accompanied by the transport of sea water
volume. The entry of sea water into the estuary is called the saltwater intrusion and the distance of salt water
intrusion to the estuary depends on the characteristics of estuaries, tides and river mass. The higher the tide and
the smaller the volume of the river flow, the further the saltwater intrusion. Conversely, the smaller the tides and
the greater the volume of the river flow, the shorter the distance of salt water intrusion. The inclusion of river
flow volume to coastal waters (salt water) is much influenced by the pattern of river flow velocity and tidal
patterns that depend on sea level fluctuations due to the attraction of celestial bodies, especially the sun and
moon to the sea water mass on the earth. The stratification length of saltwater intrusion to estuary depends on the
characteristic profile of river flow velocity, suspended sediment transport pattern, tidal, month and season
phases. The estuary stratification analysis is intended to obtain the length of the curve mixing of sea water volume
and the mass of the river flow. Data of coastal estuary stratification phenomenon is presented in flow rate data
profile at depth of 0.6 (v0,6h) river, suspended sediment distribution data profile at full moon phase, first quarter
phases, rainy season and full moon dry phase during tidal. The accuracy of modeling and interpolation of tidal
data conditions is expressed by the absolute deviation of averages as well as the bias of the modeled data and the
extrapolation data to the measured data. The flow velocity (vo.6h) is physically related to the suspended sediment
deployment, since the suspended sediment based on the sediment transport mechanism moves as a float load at
depth (vo.6h). With increasing distance accompanied by reduced velocity (vo.6h) followed by a decrease in
suspended sediment prices, or by decreasing speed (by distance) was followed by a decrease in the amount of
suspended sediment. Increasing sea level will increase the gradient rating curve and shift the position of zero
velocity (mix in estuary) upstream. The phenomenon of stratification of the volume of sea water and the mass of
the river flow that carried the suspended sediment at the estuary of the Ronoyapo Amurang estuary follows the
length of the curve mixing estuary. The full moon phase of the dry season stratified the volume of seawater and
river mass with a curve mixing length of 87 meters estuaries. The first quarter rainy season stratified the volume
of sea water and river mass with a curve mixing length of estuary of 139 meters. The full moon phase of the rainy
season stratified the volume of sea water and the mass of the river flow following the length of the curve mixing
estuary of 151 meters. The area along ± 150 meters (950 meters to 1200 meters position) is a mixing estuary
location of sea water volume and river mass that carries suspended sediment load in full moon period, first
quarter phase of rainy season and full moon period of dry season estuary.
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