Maintenance Orientation and Practices in Colleges of Education in Ghana: A Stakeholder Perspective
Perpetua Emma Gyenfie, Christina Bukari, Michael Tsorgali, Mary Opokua Ansong, Henry Asante Antwi
This study has explored issue relating to orientations and practices relating to maintenance schedule, maintenance inspections, maintenance planning, maintenance reporting, maintenance process based on information collected from selected stakeholders in the operations of Colleges of Education in Ghana. Data was collected from teachers and students in Colleges of Education in Ghana. Generally the analysis suggests that maintenance practices and orientation, both among students and staff is relatively low. A direct and related consequence of this problem is the delays in the execution of maintenance works. Also, the Colleges of Education do not have a fully equipped maintenance unit as well as qualified personnel. The implication is that the few tradesmen do the minor maintenance works sometimes with improvised equipment. It is recommended that the process through which maintenance requests and budget proposals go through should be revisited and reduced to the barest minimum in order to facilitate quick reactions to complaints when they are reported. Secondly, maintenance Clubs should be set up in the Colleges to do periodic inspection of buildings that is a post occupancy evaluation every quarterly. This will enable the maintenance needs of the buildings to be discovered in time before the situation gets out of hand. Officers should oversee and ensure that thorough periodic inspections of buildings’ conditions are done. Further, building inspection should be planned, because proper planning is a sure way to lessen cost of maintenance since doing so can provide perception into future maintenance needs and avoid unnecessary costs.
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